Friday, May 25, 2007

Music: A Jerry Goldsmith tribute

I watched quite a bit of "Star Trek" over break, and if there's one thing that's consistently good in all the Star Trek TV series and movies, it's the music. Even when the stories go south (like when "Voyager" brought in Borg boobs to boost ratings), there's always the uplifting and adventurous scores from Jerry Goldsmith to accompany the material.

Never shy about "manipulating" the audience's emotions, Goldsmith understood that the only way such utopian ideas could work on mainstream TV would be to make people comprehend the meaning with their gut. Besides "Star Trek," Jerry Goldsmith wrote the scores for countless movies and shows, including "Patton," "Papillon," "The Omen" ... the list goes on and on.

Unfortunately, Jerry Goldsmith died in 2004. Strangely enough, the latest "Star Trek" series didn't use his score in the opening, and was canceled after just its fourth season. Coincidence? Perhaps not...

Here's some of my favorite Jerry Goldsmith scores:

Star Trek: First Contact (set to the "Star Trek: Enterprise" credits)



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