Wednesday, June 20, 2007

School: Meet the Professors, summer edition

I'm taking a couple of interesting classes over the summer...
"Criminal Procedure: Police Practices" is taught by Professor Baldwin, who received his JD from the University of Georgia, an LLM from Yale, and an LLM from the University of Illinois. He is one of those professors from whom you always sense a bemused antipathy from; he always expresses amazement that we haven't learned about this case or that case in Criminal Law. The class itself concerns the various limits on police and criminal proceedings - searches, seizures, IAC challenges, interrogation, surveillance, the whole nine yards.

"Antitrust Law" is basically a look at a hundred years of Supreme Court Sherman and Clayton Act jurisprudence, with Professor Harrison as our guide. Professor Harrison received a Ph.D. from UF and a JD from the University of North Carolina. He's been teaching for nearly 40 years, and it shows - he has a great manner in the classroom, never hesitating to sketch stuff out on the board. I always look forward to Antitrust class.


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