Sunday, February 03, 2008

Politics: Stupor Tuesday

With Fred Thompson bowing out a few weeks ago, the race for president has gotten pretty bleak for us Second Amendment absolutists. On the one hand, you have McCain and Romney, both of whom have spotty records on the subject (McCain at least voted against the AWB, but his past gun show "loophole" rigramole makes a lot of gunowners nervous). Huckabee is much better on gun rights, but is probably unelectable. Ron Paul's campaign has pretty much fizzled after he failed to make any big showing in primaries like New Hampshire.

On the other hand, you have the HillBama Show:

I suppose it's good that they've curtailed their authoritarian rhetoric (for now), but if a future President Obama somehow passes a law outlawing concealed carry nationwide, expect a lot of *cough* noncompliance. When I look at the candidates this year, I can't help but think back to this "South Park" song.


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