Links: The Chillcast with Anji Bee

I get most of my music from podcasts now. It's a great way to listen to new artists without having to do a whole lot of work (my PSP has an RSS feed reader - I can grab podcasts anywhere there's an open wifi connection to the Net). One of the more established podcasts that I listen to regularly is the Chillcast, with host Anji Bee.
Anji Bee (a vocalist for Lovespirals) plays a mix of variable-tempo jazz, electronica, and world music that makes for wonderful "scheduled weekly downtime." All of this is punctuated by some interesting commercial spots, sung by Anji herself (talk about getting value for your ad-buying dollar). I never knew I needed a Drobo automated backup system, but after hearing Anji Bee croon about it on the air in a catchy sales jingle, I might need to pick one up.
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