Friday, February 19, 2010

Guns: Tiny sliver of vast federal firearm restrictions repealed...Cue the handwringing!

It must be fun to be a gun control advocate, in a weird, surreal sort of way. Just take a normal everyday situation, like camping out in the woods with your family, add those evil guns, and then enter the realm of fantasy land:

Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said national parks are now among the safest places in America, but that could change under the new law.

“When you are at a campfire and people are getting loud and boisterous next to you, you used to have to worry about them quieting down. Now you have to worry about when they will start shooting,” Helmke said.

(Somehow I doubt that this law will cause campers to suddenly gun down random strangers in Yellowstone.)

The whole thing does make for a fun party game - for every pro-gun law or court case, make up an anti-gun press release that envisions an improbable doomsday scenario ending in the proverbial blood on the streets. Say the government finally allowed you to CCW in a federal courthouse (highly unlikely, but a guy can dream, right?):

Mulliga of the VPC spoke out against the change. "It's against the law to bring guns to a courthouse, and thus nobody has ever been murdered in a courthouse - ever. With this new law, though, no one is safe. If you're a judge, and you sustain a plaintiff's objection in a trial, you'd better hope the defendant's attorney doesn't pull out a gun and shoot you in front of everybody. Jurors are going to have to be on the lookout, or they're going to get killed by each other in deliberation room arguments. Clearly, guns do not belong in the hallowed halls of justice, except on the holsters of law enforcement.


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