Sunday, March 15, 2020

Links: Blogroll Update

Gun Culture 2.0 - Wake Forest professor David Yamane's blog covers the sociology of the modern American gun culture, one centered around concealed carry and self-defense and less around hunting, due to the ever-increasing urbanization of our country. This is content you just won't find anywhere else, so if you're tired of caliber wars and reviews of the newest Blastomatic 2000, stop by Professor Yamane's place and grab a seat.

Swift, Silent, Deadly - Most of the gun blogs you read are authored by people who don't have any practical experience in teaching people how to fight with a gun (this blog most definitely included), but "Swift, Silent, Deadly" is different. The author (a DoD instructor) writes posts that are designed to impart quantifiable knowledge, not just platitudes and anecdotes.

The Perry Bible Fellowship - Growing up, one of my favorite comics was "The Far Side" by Gary Larson. TBPF is a modern take on the concept - just as surreal, but gorier and bawdier thanks to being freed from the shackles of newsprint. Creator Nicholas Gurewitch regularly pushes the envelope of both taste and art (cf. the current strip, copied above and posted in the midst of the coronavirus crisis), and the results are usually worth a chuckle.


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