Sunday, October 01, 2023

Scary Shangrila 2023 - The Newest in Monstrous Music

It's Halloween time again, so my blog is featuring all the thrills, chills, and scares of the season. Today's post looks at some new tracks to get your Halloween party jumpin'. As always, a full playlist of horror-themed music can be found at Mulliga's Halloween Horrorfest.

"Danse Macabre" by Duran Duran

A Halloween-themed album from Duran Duran is not something I had on my 2023 bingo card, but the upcoming Danse Macabre sounds like it's going to be a banger, at least judging by the single of the same name. It's pretty amazing that the band is still making earworms like this, 40 years on from "Hungry Like the Wolf."

"Dead Again Jayne" by Lordi

There are a surprising number of Scandinavian shock rock bands; apparently, dressing up in weird costumes and strumming anthemic rock chords is par for the course near the Arctic Circle. Take this catchy tune from Lordi, a Finnish heavy metal band - it's from a "cinematic horror movie" album called Screem Writers Guild, and it fits neatly into my Halloween Spotify playlist.

"Monster Mash (Remix)" by DJ Carmella Creeper

Our final featured track is a kitschy Halloween promotion from General Mills - yes, the cereal company. You see, they're revamping their seasonal Monsters breakfast cereal line (Count Chocula, etc.) with a new female monster, Carmella Creeper, who just happens to be a hip DJ. It's not exactly the world's best "Monster Mash" remix, but it might get you to try the cereal, which is described as "caramel apple-flavored corn cereal bits and marshmallows." On second thought, maybe not.


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