
Friday, September 06, 2024

Guns: CZ-75B Compact L review - The Unicorn Gun


The first handguns I ever bought were CZs - a WWII-era CZ-27, and a CZ-75B from the '90s. Despite their age, both pistols shot well, and I became a big fan of the brand.  When I got my CCW permit, I wanted to carry a CZ, but none of the models being imported back then had the exact combination of features I wanted: an aluminum alloy frame (to save weight), a manual safety (for cocked-and-locked carry), and a standard CZ-75 pattern (for maximum compatibility with holsters, grips, and sights - sorry, CZ RAMI).

After about a decade of waiting, CZ Custom released a limited number of "Compact L" variant guns. I had found my unicorn gun:

Feature Breakdown

At first glance, the Compact L looks just like a P-01 with a manual safety instead of a decocker.  But the gun has been worked over by CZ Custom, and the difference becomes apparent when you pick it up.  There's a CZ-85 trigger and CZ Competition hammer instead of the normal P-01 curved trigger group.  Those special parts, combined with a trigger job and lighter main spring, give the Compact L a very light trigger in both double and single action, probably as light as I'd go in a carry gun:

Other little durability upgrades include a "combat firing pin" and stainless steel guide rod. Frankly, I don't think these affect day-to-day function much, but they're nice to have:

The CZ Custom shop polished the gun's barrel and internals.  The Compact L felt very slick out of the box, like a good 1911, with a much nicer internal fit and finish than a typical CZ.  The whole thing is topped off by tritium night sights, front and rear.

Range Report

The Compact L is one of the most accurate and reliable alloy-framed compact-size guns I have ever shot. Most importantly, it has never malfunctioned, despite being fed every type of 9mm I could find, from steel-cased Tula, to bargain range ammo (Blazer, UMC, and Perfecta), to high-end JHP ammo (Federal HSTs and Speer Gold Dots).

Aguila 115 gr. at 15 yards:

A whole magazine's worth of Federal HSTs at 15 yards:

A whole magazine at 25 yards with S&B 124 gr. range ammo:

A whole magazine at 25 yards with Winchester 115 gr. range ammo:

A failure drill shot at 15 yards as fast as I could go:

Perfecta 115 gr. at 25 yards:

Remington UMC at 15 yards:

American Eagle at 15 yards:

A 30-round grab bag of miscellaneous 9mm rounds, fired at speed:

Federal 115 gr. +P+:

Winchester Super-X 147 gr. at 15 yards:


I don't normally review guns that are hard to get here at Shangrila Towers, but I had to make an exception for the CZ Compact L. There's only a tiny chance you will ever spot this one for sale at your local gunstore or even on GunBroker, but if you do, be sure to give it a look.

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