Saturday, January 06, 2007

School: "Levin High"

I realize I've been posting about law school without actually talking much about the school itself. The structure is a warren of concrete and brick in an architectural style called "brutalism," a name that definitely evokes the sharp, perpendicular lines and massive faces of concrete that frame the school.

Outside the area is fairly nice - lots of trees and grass to give some shade and levity to the school. We are near Frat Row, so it's not like we're totally detached from the main University, but sometimes it feels that way.

In my law school, like many law schools that divide first-year students by section, there is a definite high school atmosphere - we take the same classes with the same 100 or so people, and we are stuck at school all day. Most of us eat lunch on campus, too. So trying to get to the Reitz Union to have lunch with some old engineering buddies can be hard. But we all manage, I suppose.


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