Saturday, May 12, 2007

Politics: Mitt Romney's Awful Truth

One of the big problems with declaring your candidacy for president nearly a couple years in advance of the actual election is the number of opportunities to stick your foot in your mouth. While it seems everyone running is racing to distance themselves from President Bush's policy on the Iraq war (sometimes it seems Bush is the only one defending Bush these days), there are other issues that candidates can trip themselves on - guns, abortion, immigration...

Sometimes these things come out of left field, however. Here's Mitt Romney, GOP presidential candidate, on polygamy:

"I have a great-great grandfather," he said. "They were trying to build a generation out there in the desert, and so he took additional wives, as he was told to. And I must admit I can't imagine anything more awful than polygamy." (emphasis added)

Now, I'm not saying everybody should go out and marry thirty wives, but surely there must be more awful things than polygamy. Child molestation? School shootings? The Holocaust?

Romney is sort of like Bob Dole mixed with Bill Clinton's telegenes, but statements like that always make me wonder. Plus, the fact that he's wishy-washy on gun rights doesn't help, either.


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