Friday, June 22, 2007

Movies: Final Fantasy VII - Advent Cash-In

"FFVII: Advent Children," a CGI-animated feature from Square, feels more like an amateur machinima than an actual dramatic continuation. The only people who could have possibly enjoyed it as anything more than spectacle are the fans of the original game (that is, Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation). Ironically, Square betrays these fans' trust with a trite plot that doesn't give any of the characters much to do.

[Those who have never played FFVII will have no idea what's going on, so you can pretty much skip the rest of the post. :-) ]

It's a couple years after the near-apocalypse brought on by Sephiroth and Meteor. Cloud and the rest of the gang are scraping around, trying to survive, but a mysterious new illness is sweeping across the land. The protagonists have to defeat the bad guys and cure the people.

That's pretty much it.

There are lots of pretty action scenes, with almost the entire last forty minutes or so given over to a huge combat sequence that sees Cloud fighting a gigantic dragon, chasing the evildoers on a motorcycle, and dueling with a familiar face. Aside from the frenetic action, though, we never get any of the funny or poignant moments that made FFVII so special to begin with. I want to see Cid try to make it back to the stars, or Cait Sith/Reeve participate in another (not quite) heroic sacrifice.

The animation is very detailed, and it compares favorably with any of the whiz-bang computer-generated stuff coming out of Hollywood these days. Too bad there's no story or characterization here to back up the fireworks.

Rating: 5/10


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