Thursday, June 14, 2007

News: Virginia Tech Massacre Aftershocks

Hot on the heels of a new bill that supposedly fixes the "holes" in the NICS record system, we have the release of the killer's mental health records to a gubernatorial panel. Personally, I'm not sure what such investigations are supposed to turn up - IIRC there were lengthy investigations into the backgrounds of the Columbine killers and other spree shooters, but obviously the murders haven't stopped. It's impossible to assess the mental health of everyone at all times. Maybe we should all just wear buttons labeling us "sane."

Also of interest is a Gamasutra article dealing with the making of video games about mass murders. "Super Columbine Massacre RPG" gained some notoriety some years ago, but the game's overall message and fairly deep research make it a good example of how games can positively raise questions about the nature and goals of violent media and violent people. Someone, however, made a game about the VA Tech murders but did not invest the time and energy to say anything of relevance.

I think video games may eventually be accepted as an art form, but only if more games like "Super Columbine Massacre RPG" are made. No one blinks an eye when Gus Van Sant directs "Elephant," and yet ultimately I think playing through the video game and being forced to "play out" the roles of the killers may teach us more. Somehow, though, I'm sure we'll never learn enough to completely stop all the killers in the world.


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