Thursday, July 26, 2007

Miscellany: Blogging Philosophy

The indefatigable Tam started up yet another new blog, the subject matter of which is classic computer stuff. This is a good example of what I call the "divide and conquer" approach to blogging - split each topic of discussion into its own separate blog. This way, people who are only interested in one subject can focus in on all the posts about that subject, making for a more coherent and orderly experience.

You might have noticed that Shangrila Towers is not structured that way. ;-)

Though a single-topic approach is certainly fine, I admit that I like reading a blog without knowing what's coming up next. An examination of the pottery of southern India? Reviews of new varieties of bubble gum? A dirty joke? Too often Internet writing can get self-important and sullen. Then again, you can become too zany and off-kilter, as well. It's tough sometimes, balancing between life's miseries and joys.


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