Thursday, August 30, 2007

Politics: A YouTube Debate Question

This is spreading round the gun blogs, so I thought I'd do my part.

(Ripped from Joe's Crabby Shack)

The Republican YouTube debate is coming up soon and two of my most favorite people have submitted the mother of all Second Amendment questions. Clint Smith and Tom Gresham have a YouTube post asking Tom's favorite question of politicians.

"You say you support the Second Amendment, so name the first three of the 20,000 gun laws in the country that you will work to repeal."

Here's the assignment/request/bleg... It will literally take ONE MINUTE of your time. Go to CNN's comment page LINK HERE and post the following message:

Please play Tom Gresham and Clint Smith's question for the GOP candidates!!

That's it. Just send that. One tip, choose "positive comment" as everyone loves to read good stuff.


At 6:17 PM, Blogger NotClauswitz said...

Hey thanks, I did that.


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