Monday, September 17, 2007

Guns: California Schemin' - microstamping madness

I'm not sure who is running California, but they seem to have a pretty distorted notion of how things work in the real world.

Exhibit A.

The California "microstamping" bill (requiring semiautomatic pistols to microstamp each shell that leaves the chamber with a serial number) has passed out of the Senate and it's hit Governor Schwarzenegger's desk. I'm hoping every CA gunowner will call in, or at least send a letter, expressing just how stupid and misguided a bill like this is.

Then again, maybe the people behind the bill know how stupid it is. Maybe they know that any two-bit criminal with half a brain will file off the microstamping components, or will start using revolvers instead. Maybe they know about the millions of guns in California already in circulation that don't have this technology and never will. Maybe they know the entire thing is just a way to raise the costs of making guns and ammunition, and will have zero effect on violent crime.

It's been said before: I'm not sure what's scarier - stupid legislators, or smart ones.


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