Thursday, October 11, 2007

News: Shootings, spree killings, and strangeness

We've all heard by now of the police deputy who went haywire, murdering 6 innocent people and then killing himself. Not to mention the 14-year old who shot up his school and then killed himself. And now some kid was caught before he could carry out his alleged plans (the article picture is hilarious - pretty much all those guns are Airsoft or BB guns).

A friend of mine has studied these types of murders, and the only pattern is seemingly that there is no pattern. Still, speaking broadly, it's easy to see most of these individuals have some kind of profound mental illness, given how many of these tragedies end in suicide for the killer.

It's important to emphasize how isolated and rare these kinds of events are (thankfully). Still, they do happen, and that's why we train.


At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How stupid can a parent be to buy a 14 year old an assault rifle. Mom should be put in jail.
Please charge the mother for buying the gun and please get her mentally checked out.Lets start doing what is right. Lets take back the world.
Put the boy in jail. He knew better.. Punish him...period.

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we don't know she did buy him an "assault rifle", just a 9mm rifle. If it had a scope, the media would have called it a "sniper rifle." A 9mm AR-15 would fit the bill, but they are rare...and pricey.
Could have been a Marlin Camp 9:
Or Ruger PC9:
But, my vote is for the cheap, ugly Hi-Point:

Plenty of people buy their kids firearms for legitimate uses, hunting, target shooting, ect., but overwhelmingly, most parents don't allow grenades to be built, or supply the raw materials to build them, like this mother may have done. Definitely a forehead slapper, and a case for the criminal justice system, not to mention the mental health system.

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Mulliga said...

My guess is that it was a Hi-Point, as well.

If I buy a gun for a 14 year-old kid to learn on, I'm going to make damn sure that that he's supervised with it at all times, just like you wouldn't hand the car keys over to a young teenager either.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am almost positive that the 9mm assault rifle with laser scope was a Hi-Point 9mm carbine with a cheap BSA red-dot scope that you can buy for about $200. That is a not an assault rifle by any reasonable definition.

The problem here is not that mom bought her son a rifle. The problem is that mom bought her mentally unstable kid a rifle and gave him unfettered and unsupervised access to it.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger James R. Rummel said...

Do you think that the cops are going to sell some of those airsoft toys at auction? Christmas is coming, and I could use some low cost stocking stuffers.



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