Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Music: Gimme Shelter

Unlike a lot of iconic rock and roll bands, the Rolling Stones' membership was and still is in flux. Whereas bands like the Beatles and Led Zeppelin never changed or dropped members, the Stones have seen a variety of musicians come and go, for reasons ranging from untimely death to personal friction. Fortunately, they've always been anchored by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

I'm not really a big Stones fan, but I've had the guitar intro to "Gimme Shelter" stuck in my head for about 12 hours now. :-P The best version of the song is the album version, since the Stones enlisted the help of Merry Clayton, whose high-pitched wailing ("RaaaaAAAPE...MuuurrrrDER!") outshines everything else. But, the various live versions aren't bad, either:


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