Links: Blogroll Update
I'm adding a few more sites into my relatively sparse blogroll. To be honest, I think a lot of bloggers have so many links that it's difficult to keep track of what's on there. The whole thing is really more of a convenience for me (for when I'm logged on to a foreign computer - that way, I only have to visit my blog to be able to get to everyone else's blog). The additions:
Rachel Lucas: An extremely popular blogger - her posts are mostly commentary on news, politics, and dogs. She seems to write with extra verve in these contentious times. Take that, Feminazis!
The Volokh Conspiracy: Run by a number of authors, but chaired by Eugene Volokh. All about law, current events, and court commentary. Much of it has a decidedly libertarian slant, but not nearly as pronounced as Reason's blog.
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run: They've toned down their appeals for subscriptions and mostly stick to news and commentary. They also stick to their mantra ("Free Minds and Free Markets") pretty closely. Best place for neutral election news, IMHO, since the contributors usually don't hew very closely to either of the two major parties.
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