Sunday, March 04, 2007

Movies: A duo of historically inaccurate proportions

I usually only watch TV while in the midst of another activity; yesterday, I was doing the laundry while watching parts of both "The Patriot" and "Gladiator." Both are fairly silly from a story perspective - Russel Crowe famously remarked to one of the screenwriters that his "lines are garbage but I'm the greatest actor in the world, and I can make even garbage sound good." "The Patriot" is even worse, essentially making the entire American Revolution a Mel Gibson-led Braveheart-esque struggle against a maniacal British colonel. Thankfully, though, the budget for these movies was spent on period clothing and weapons, not just big name actors.

First is the best, most ridiculous scene in "The Patriot," where Mel manages to kill 20 Redcoats with only the help of his two pre-teen sons.

Next is the best fight in Gladiator, Maximus vs. Tigris of Gaul:


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