Sunday, July 01, 2007

Links: I-Mockery

Ever since the age of the printing press, the media have transformed the way human beings live. No longer are experiences and information limited to how far you can hoof it to tell someone else, or how far you can send a flimsy handwritten note. Books, movies, and television have now become a big part of many people's lives, and where there is media, there is mockery.

I-Mockery is one of those sites devoted to memorializing and satirizing pop culture. They have links to all sorts of time wasters - the top 10 Freddy Krueger kills, a fawning send-up/tribute of the silly Stallone action movie Cobra, and of course, lots and lots of Halloween stuff. This is the kind fo site that's always worth a visit if you're bored.

Here's a few Japanese TV commercials featuring the current Governor of California. Yosh! Mwooee Bwaiiiii!:


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