Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Movies: Ultraviolet

On one level, I feel sorry for Milla Jovovich. After her breakout role in "The Fifth Element," she's been constantly typecast as a butt-kicking action heroine. On the other hand, there's many things Milla does well - modeling, singing. Acting ain't one of them, as is proven by the film "Ultraviolet":

Directed by Kurt Wimmer of "Equilibrium" fame, "Ultraviolet" is another of those films that is actually worse than the trailer. I don't mean the trailer is misleading you to think the movie is better than it is; I mean the trailer, as a film, is superior to "Ultraviolet" the full-length feature. The editing is tighter, all the critical plot points are covered, and even most of the special effects are there. Heck, the music is better too, with the song "24" by Jem highlighting Violet's struggles.

As you can tell from the trailer, the movie tells the story of a sorta-vampire's quest to save...well...save something. I'm kind of foggy on the plot right now, because the movie bordered on outright awfulness so many times it became funny. The final duel at the end, with flaming swords, was especially cheesy, and not in a good way.

I'd like to imagine there is an alternate universe where Ultraviolet had better plot, better performances, and better fight choreography. Alas, there's no way to get there from here.

Rating: 3/10


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