Saturday, August 18, 2007

School: Buy Early

It's back-to-school time here in Gainesville, and that means crowds. When you consider that thousands of students will be moving in, along with help from Mom, Dad, and sibling(s), you can see that something as simple as getting groceries can get very complicated the weekend before school starts. Like most people, I tend to dread standing in line or fighting in traffic.

I avoided the rush today, though - went to Publix at 8 AM to pick up supplies for Mulliga's Famous Vegetable Spaghetti (AKA the poor man's spaghetti, since ground beef is relatively expensive). 8 AM may not sound early, but it is in a college town. I got the closest parking space, didn't have to wait for anything (no line at the deli or the cashier), and got my pick of the litter for vegetables.

It's good being a morning person. :-)


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