Saturday, January 05, 2008

Miscellany: Snooze Button Rant

You're might be familiar with the "Snooze Button" - a button that temporarily stops an alarm to give you a few minutes more sleep (the time can vary, but it's rarely more than 15 minutes). I submit that this is a stupid invention. Let's go over the possible situations where a "snooze" function might be employed:

1) You set an alarm and you need to be somewhere at a certain time

Why on Earth would you want to ignore the alarm that you set yourself? If waking up at that exact time wasn't important, why not just set the alarm back a half-hour?

2) You set an alarm and you have nowhere you need to be (say, an 8:00AM alarm intended for work days only, but it goes off on a Saturday)

If you don't have any kind of time limit on your sleep, is it too hard to just turn the alarm off and sleep in for an hour or two? Certainly no snooze button I know of lets you snooze for that long.

3) You didn't set the alarm, it's not your alarm clock, you don't know it's a snooze button as you press it, and you go back to sleep, only to be jarred out of sleep ten minutes later.

This was me, at 5:00AM, in my roommate's room. Ulgh.


At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My snooze button goes in the following intervals, in minutes:
I *love* my snooze button. Sleeping in for those 20 minutes might mean it's not a skirt+buttondown+stockings+high heels+smashing accessories day, which is sometimes totally worth it. Sometimes it's a skip breakfast snooze. And sometimes you just bound out of bed and it's not relevant. Mostly it's just easier to wake up the second time when the sleep isn't as good.

In cold weather it's a tool that allows you to more firmly burrow under blankets and desperately try to warm up before facing the cold, cruel world outside the bed.

I hate other people's alarm clocks, though, for that reason. If I know I'm going somewhere I will often pack my own.


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