Monday, June 04, 2007

Tech: "My name is Mulliga, and I'm a WoW addict"

I've played "World of Warcraft" before - more than a year ago, in fact. In that time, I used a free trial account to build up a Troll Priestess to level 19. I was playing for long periods of time, and it was right around an epic solo journey to the top of Dreadmist Peak that I realized I had pretty much gotten what I wanted out of the game.

After I finished the Law Review essay, I started playing again in earnest using my 30-day account period from my old boxed copy. I'm not sure why the game is so addictive - in essence, you get quests, kill monsters, grab the loot, and repeat ad nauseam. To be fair, you get plenty of new skills and abilities as you progress, but basically, the whole game is focused on combat (this is World of Warcraft, not World of Peacecraft, I suppose).

Thankfully, I'm getting treatment. I plan to take a nice, long walk today in the real world, as opposed to Blizzard's virtual one. The human body is uniquely adapted to such things - bipedalism is a wonderful way to conserve energy for those long hikes. I think I'll pay a visit to one of those game shops I mentioned - I feel like running a campaign myself one of these days, instead of just being a player.


At 1:33 AM, Blogger James R. Rummel said...

Good post, Mulliga.

I suppose the walk to the gaming store could be called your "273 Step Program". If, that is, it actually takes 273 steps to get to the store.



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