Happy Halloween
I haven't trick-or-treated in years, but I have to admit, it's a ridiculously fun ritual. I feel sorry for those kids whose parents don't let them trick-or-treat (because of safety concerns or religious quarrels); for a child, visiting a stranger's house and getting candy from them for free is the equivalent of winning the lottery.
The best part were the tools. I enjoyed carrying a flashlight and gallivanting about the neighborhood, but it was especially cool when you had a cap gun or bow and arrow or some other such prop to trick-or-treat with. Anything that made noise or lit up on Halloween night suddenly made you "The Man" when it came to comparing costumes. Once Mom and Dad cobbled together a bow and arrow for my Robin Hood costume - and let's just say the results were delightful.
There is some strategy to trick-or-treating, of course. First, bring a big bag, preferably a cloth laundry bag or something - one of those silly plastic pumpkin totes isn't going to hold the loot of a hundred houses. Second, hit the best houses - if you see a bunch with their lights on, it usually means they're going to be willing to give. Dark houses usually have people who aren't home or don't feel like giving candy. Third, don't take more than one from those "please take one" houses - it makes you look chintzy. Fourth, always say thank you. And five, your parents will always try to convince you to let them take some of your candy - DON'T DO IT. You'll never see that stuff again.
As a final treat, check out one of the best "Halloween" TV episodes ever - "The Adentures of Pete & Pete - Halloweenie":